May 23-29
Well what can I say, it's been another great week here here in Mamponse. We are starting to hit rainy season now and more than once we were forced to find cover. Also to cover our floor in buckets so that it didn't flood. We had a man come to fix our roof for us but it seems he only made it worse and now what used to be a drip is a steady stream of water that cascades down from ceiling. It's actually quite majestic and if you try not to think about where you are you can almost picture yourself in some remote rainforest standing next to a waterfall. I would say it is tranquil. Anyways, that's not the point. The point is, we had some rain to deal with and it causes problems. No one likes to be out when it's raining, and after it rains no one will meet with you for the rest of the day. Their excuse, it rained. So naturally things were slowish but somehow we pulled off a great week. We now have 7 people that we are hoping to have baptized by the end of June. We have Samson and Felicia (they're married), we have Yaw Henaku, we have Sarah Mensah, we have Gladys, we have Jefar and her daughter Milady (2nd counselors wife and daughter) and I think that's all of them. We are hoping to add Samson's brother, Solomon, as well but we'll see how things go for him. My time left is short, but I won't feel like I did everything that I needed to do with that time unless I help all of these wonderful people be baptized. That's the reason I'm here isn't it? To help people make and keep covenants with God and perform the ordinances necessary for salvation. So that is what I shall do. Anyways, I'm still alive and coming home in 5 weeks. That's all, love you guys
Elders taking on the marketplace and using their bartering skills! |